#UnitaryPlan Rezoning Evidence. Upscaling Manukau and Surrounds

Final evidence piece lodged

Bringing to a near close three years of work


I have lodged for the final time my evidence to the Unitary Plan Hearings Panel signalling the near completion of my Unitary Plan work since the draft version came out in March 2013 (and the Proposed version in September 2013). The final hearing which is on the Rezoning exercise is in April and focuses on bringing in the Manukau Super Metropolitan Centre Zone and upzoning the residential area to the south of it.


You can read the Primary Evidence submitted here: 


The overview for South Auckland can also be read below:



Winding up three years of Unitary Plan work


April is the final time I present to the Unitary Plan Hearings Panel. This will conclude three years of work on the Unitary Plan since it was released in its draft form back in March 2013. While Unitary Plan commentary will continue through to August when the Council makes the Unitary Plan go operative and any election material mentioning the UP for me the formal aspect comes to a close on that April hearing date.

While the Unitary Plan is the largest planning document ever undertaken in New Zealand the commentary over the last three years often against overt NIMBYism and wind ups is one for the history books.

The question is where next with advocacy on Manukau at a close (until the new Transform chapter starts in April) and the Unitary Plan soon coming to a close? We will see soon enough