Tag: Community

TAKE TWO: The National Planning Agency and the NZIA. What Are They? Gearing Up the 2020s and 2030s!

This post, originally dating back to 2017, outlines the need for a revamp in New Zealand’s planning and infrastructure agencies. The proposal involves the establishment of a National Planning Agency and a National Infrastructure Agency, aiming to streamline inter-regional planning and development. The current lack of coordination and inefficiency within existing institutions is highlighted. The suggested reform encompasses a restructured Ministry for Planning, Infrastructure and the Environment, comprising of three key agencies. These changes are intended to enhance collaboration and coordination for more effective and holistic planning and development across the country.

Urban Renewal Works. My Plan to (re)Build Strong Towns!

An urgent call to action for Aotearoa: Make a bold move to revive our struggling towns and Metropolitan Centres. Lifting ourselves out of the recession demands real economic intervention. It’s time to kick-start a Public Works Program to spur job creation and consumer spending. Forget the ineffective slash and burn tactics—we need a solid plan for urban renewal and infrastructure investment. Let’s embrace this opportunity to transform our urban landscape, attract businesses, and propel Aotearoa into the modern era. It’s an investment in our future, not just an expense.

PLEASE SHARE: Auckland Council on Outdoor Dining Spaces during Pandemic Era. Also more should be done by Auckland Transport, and Panuku

Outdoor dining to be made more streamed line. Pressure continues on Auckland Transport The following is from Auckland Council in regards to outdoor dining spaces in reaction to the Omicron … Continue reading PLEASE SHARE: Auckland Council on Outdoor Dining Spaces during Pandemic Era. Also more should be done by Auckland Transport, and Panuku