Bright Future Ahead for #OurManukau and Southern Auckland

When your scheduled 30 minute – 6-monthly catch up goes all afternoon…

When your scheduled 30 minute – 6 monthly catch up extends to a 90 minute deep discussion on our largest Metropolitan Centre in Auckland you know deep down inside the future of Manukau is looking extremely bright.

Yesterday I had my regular catch up with Panuku on the latest updates over #OurManukau. At the moment most of the information is in confidence either due to commercial sensitivity or waiting for Public agencies to release the information themselves (MIT and Auckland Transport being two).

None-the-less I can report back on the following:

  1. An announcement with news on education facilities at Manukau due soon
  2. Route selection for Airport to Botany Rapid Transit Stage 1 (Airport to Manukau) has been firmed up and are waiting for Auckland Transport to come back with the feedback report and next round of consultation. Rather interestingly with the route-selection is where Stage 1 ends up terminating
  3. More cranes due to go up in Manukau towards the end of the year as more major construction gets underway
  4. The Manukau Station Road bus lane and 50km/h trial is on track to become permanent once AT finish formal consultation with the public is complete later in the year. I did see feedback over on LinkedIn that the bus lane had reduced a commuters trip through Manukau by 14 minutes. THAT IS A SIGNIFICANT SAVING. The 2+1 dynamic lanes on Redoubt Road (due soon) would help that even more
  5. Is Manukau up for a Metropolitan Class school? Might be time for some Official Information Act requests to the Ministry of Education with this one
  6. Hayman Park upgrades continue with the new playground build well underway
  7. As reported last year there were several surface parking lots that came to the market, these were market tested with interesting results. Need-less-to-say there is residential and new office demand however, a tight construction sector might stall things out especially if lending institutions become risk-adverse
  8. Another hotel is on its way
  9. Joint Business Case between the Crown and Council on Our Manukau is due out April. This was revealed as such in the Planning Committee yesterday
Manukau City Centre Source: Auckland Plan Implementation Update 2015

The future looks bright for the Heart of Southern Auckland. Further updates will roll through as they come through the course of 2019.

Needless to say Panuku saying Manukau needed work and increased advocacy back in 2015. That has happened and the dividends are now being realised

Panuku on Manukau (Panuku also reads the blog) Source: High Level Project Plan presentation to Auckland Council

3 thoughts on “Bright Future Ahead for #OurManukau and Southern Auckland

  1. Really looking forward to A2B business case coming back. I’ve come around to your view: LRT from Manukau to the airport should start ASAP. We shouldn’t muck around with bus lanes on SH20B

    1. Comes back next month. Meanwhile stage 1 A2B will be operational December 2020 starting with a bus every 10mins between Manukau and the Airport via Puhinui. With that secure it is time to lobby for Stage 2 and LRT!

  2. Do you know when AT will implement dynamic lanes on redoubt road? They have been talking about it for a long time and nothing happened, I know they are trailing on another road but for one bloody year!

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